If you are registering a group of attendees and you ARE also attending the Conference:
Step 1: Enter the number of attendees you are registering in the dropdown box
Step 2: Enter your name in Box 1
Step 3: Enter the names of your additional attendees in the remaining boxes
Step 4: Click 'Next' to complete YOUR contact and registration details.
Step 5: After completing your registration, you will then be able to complete the registrations for your group.
If you are registering a group of attendees and you ARE NOT attending the Conference:
Step 1: Check the 'I am the Group Contact only, and will not be attending' option
Step 2: Enter your contact details under 'Group Contact Details - Not Attending Conference'.
Step 3: Enter the number of attendees you are registering in the 'Group Size' box.
Step 4: Enter the names of the attendees you are registering.
Step 5: Click 'Next' to begin registering contact and registration details for each attendee.